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This is Ruiqi Yao, a teaching assistant and researcher at Shantou University. My interest is in the intersection of design and anthropology for research and application in coastal communities. Currently, I am looking for a PhD associated with these fields.

In the past years, I have gained some practical experience in service and interaction projects.

Now, I focus on design research about coastal communities and beyond anthropocentricity. Based on perceptions gained from previous studies and inspired by Anna Tsing and Haraway, I suppose to study How design can help coastal people to further a reciprocal relationship with coastal ecology.


I usually work in multidisciplinary teams, from field fieldwork to concept generation to final project implementation and operation. My identity shifts throughout research and design, from the organiser, researcher, and manager to the designer. During this process, I set up a design consultancy to ensure that research and practice work together and progress smoothly.

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Research & Projects

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I gained much experience in projects that combined design and anthropology. I collaborated with the government to design services for the elderly to access social security more easily. I worked with sociologists and architects to develop sustainable development plans for remote villages and islands...
Currently, the projects I lead or mainly participate in:

2022-Rural revitalisation plan of Ecui Village, Guangdong
2022-Social innovation design in Mayu Island, Guangdong
2022-Design social security services for older people, Guangdong
2021-Shantou University Community Information Interaction Design
2021-Service Design of College Student Enrollment (2021 A’design award)
2020-Shantou University One-stop Service Design
2019-Campus Minishop focused on community service (2019 IF Award)


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Ruiqi Yao

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Shantou University

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